Day: March 16, 2021

3 Ways to Recharge During Your Sabbath

I know many pastors who have been exhausted over the last year. Pastoring during a pandemic has brought unique challenges and new routines for all of us. And some of us are still struggling to keep up with all the changes we’ve had to navigate. If this is you, God has more to say about[…]

7 Tips to Making a Good First Impression at Your Church

It takes only 7 seconds for a first-time guest to decide whether to return to your church. Let’s make that first impression the best it can be! Rommel Manio, Saddleback Church’s Pastor of First Impressions shares 7 tips for creating a positive experience for your first-time guests. Environment Matters The environment of your church communicates[…]

5 Steps to Navigating Loss

Life is full of losses. It’s sobering to remember that nothing around us is permanent. Pastor, everyone in our congregations will go through seasons of loss where they lose their finances, jobs, health, marriage, or loved ones. And we need to help them through these periods. Here are five steps we can share with our[…]

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